Sunday, May 30, 2010
Linda and the United States Military
On this day where we honor our veterans and active duty military personnel, I wanted to take some time to touch on Linda McMahon's devotion, admiration, respect and appreciation to the men and women who defend our freedom with honor, bravery and integrity. While Memorial Day is not an event to be publicized, commercialized or demoralized, many find it convenient to hold sales during the days leading up to this important day in history. Linda McMahon's devotion the United States military cannot be questioned, all who would dare would be proven wrong in an instant. Aside from the fact that each and every year for the last several years, World Wrestling Entertainment has put on an entertainment offering to the men and women in uniform overseas, aptly named "Tribute to the Troops" in which men and women gladly trade the glitz and glamor of a lifestyle in the United States for a volunteer performance in a land much less comfortable than they're own. They do it because they genuinely have respect for our troops and there is nothing fake or staged about that. Traveling about 24 hours in a cramped jet, they wait with anxious anticipation to see the gratitude of the US Military, but it they who are grateful to them. Perhaps with the exception of Wrestlemania, at no point in time do professional wrestlers look forward more to performing than at Tribute to the Troops. It is also a policy to allow active duty military personnel to have free tickets with they're military ID at events that are not sold out and at WrestleMania. I do not know of any other form of entertainment that supports the military more. There are some that offer military discounts, but WWE goes the extra mile and gives it to them for free, and why shouldn't they? Everybody knows that even a small token of appreciation is not enough to compensate the men and women of the United States Armed Services for they're duty. They don't get paid enough and they don't do it for the money, they do it because they families and friends who are proud of them, admire them, respect them and support them in every way they can. It just goes to show that individuals are better at supporting the military than the Federal Government, the VA hospital being the best example of that. I have heard heartbreaking stories of substandard equipment for our military and how parents of soldiers were spending large amounts of money on equipment the Federal government was not providing them with. Few entertainment organizations support the US Military like World Wrestling Entertainment and the McMahon family. So while you celebrate the day with your loved ones, remember why you can have those barbecues, drink that beer, attend those parades and be proud when you wave that American flag because men and women are dying overseas so that you can have the right to live your life the way you want to. Be with your family and friends and remember the soldier that has left his family and friends behind to pursue a cause greater than themselves. Have a very safe and very Happy Memorial Day.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Richard Blumenthal and Craigslist
Yet another selling point Richard Blumenthal is using to drive home his Senate campaign is the fact that he was a part of cleaning up Craigslist. Notice how he didn't misspeak about that, or the tobacco lawsuits, but with Memorial Day upon us and the conventions behind us, it seemed like a very coincidental time to bring up his military service. Just me thinking out loud here. Anyway, I digress from my original point I was trying to make. Over the last two years, Richard Blumenthal has lamented Craigslist for in his words the "promotion and facilitation of prostitution" Various studies have shown that the very nature of prostitution carries with it images of illicit drugs, rapes, Sexually Transmitted Diseases and of course human trafficking, among other horrible crimes. What Mr. Blumenthal takes on nationally however, he ignores locally. "The Advocate" Scrolled throughout these pages are numerous articles surrounding the member towns in which they cover, from police briefs, commentary, editorials, humor, bartender profiles, nightlife calenders, upcoming events and occasionally a good feature story. However, flip to the the last few pages of the Advocate and you will pages that are not humors in any way, shape or form. The sheer number of advertisements related to escorts, massage therapists (unlicensed or unscrupulous most of them), adult entertainment and adult services basically pay the Advocates bills. Add that to the growing list of scam artists hawking everything from business opportunities and get rich quick schemes to loan frauds, clinical testing the nobody seems to know anything about and the list goes on and on. It is further proof that Richard Blumenthal cares little of his image Statewide as he does for his image nationwide. What he will do for the State of Connecticut is nothing compared to what he'd love to do for his ego. It is one more example is a long line of them of how Richard Blumenthal takes care of the citizens of Connecticut, I hope this is not what you want Connecticut. Remember who he shares his party with. Remember who he shares his beliefs, values and morals with. Chris Dodd, Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer and of course the worst offender of them all, Barack Huessin Obama. For the top lawyer of the State of Connecticut, he is guilty by association.
Richard Blumenthal and Tobbacco Lawsuits
There are things that happen during a person's career that they are remembered for and they show pride for it and that's okay. Using that one or two things that you accomplished during your career as a selling point during a Senate Race, the truth sometimes gets muddled with ego and arrogance. We all remember the 1996 fiasco with Attorney General Blumenthal among others going after tobacco companies in a witch hunt to increase revenue for the State of Connecticut and others. The money received was supposed to go towards funding smoking prevention, cessation and education and some of it did...but not all of it. It was misused, it's intended purpose be damned and along with it, some of the credibility that Attorney General Blumenthal has built defending "the little guy" Well, where did the rest of the money go, you might ask. Mostly to pay Connecticut massive overspending, deficits, the general funds, Blumenthals friends, political allies etc. The fact is, Richard Blumenthal championed this lawsuit as a win for the ignorant, a win for the State of Connecticut, the reality is however that this money was so badly mismanaged it is completely unfathomable. Is this the guy you want in control of lowering your taxes? Is the guy you want in control of bringing jobs to Connecticut? Ladies and Gentlemen, let's get serious for a moment, popularity does not make a great Senator, proven results do, experience does, leadership does, integrity does, morals, ethics, even someone with an impaired intelligence level can understand that all of these things make a great seanator. If this man cannot be trusted to ensure that money from a lawsuit goes to it's intended purpose, this man simply can't be trusted period. The judge and jury ultimately will decide if this man is innocent or guilty of the crimes he is charged with.
He's no Annointed One
From the moment Richard Blumenthal announced his candidacy to run for the U.S. Senate Seat held by Chris Dodd, this media darling was given a pass, it was almost a guarantee that he would reclaim the senate seat and dash the hopes of Republicans from claiming a seat that has been void of a Republican for over 30 years. Now, the Democrats are nervous and they should be. The man they hoisted on a pedestal is the Martha Coakley of CT politics. His inability to concisely and clearly communicate makes his ramblings about as coherent as Ozzy Osbourne. (Sorry Ozzy) His untested ability to deliver key messages makes him at best a shaky candidate that a gust of air would blow right over. Lie after lie after lie make him a perfect fit for Washington but a horrible one for the people of Connecticut. His leadership abilities are unquestionably evident, however a good leader must be able to communicate effectively and Richard Blumenthal lacks this quality, whereas Linda McMahon excels in it. Voters should want a leader they can trust to deliver honest, clear, concise, factual information without having to dance around the issues, hesitate with they're answers or retract from previous statements. Linda McMahon's statements need no clarification, they contain the common sense we so desperately need in a time in our nation's history where lies and misinformation seem to be the norm. In the darkest of times, Linda McMahon is the shining beacon of hope on that hill by the ocean that we can depend on to bring Connecticut out of the depths. You know, Chris Dodd recently said something telling. He said that he was proud to have Richard Blumenthal as his successor. Now when I first heard this, I thought to myself "Can we expect more of Chris Dodd out of Richard Blumenthal"? When the rest of the country was struggling to pay they're bills, Chris Dodd received a sweetheart deal from the very company he was in charge of regulating. In one last desperate jab, he made sure that American taxpayers would be giving a substantial amount of money to Connecticut by inserting a whopper into the monstrosity known as ObamaCare. If Richard Blumenthal is going to be more of the same, another Chris Dodd then the choice becomes more evident that we need Linda McMahon more than ever. The Democrats have held the Senate seat for 31 years, in the words of Dr. Phil McGraw "How's that been working for ya'" 31 years of bigger government, out of control spending and corruption, do we really need another 31 years of that? I hope not.
The importance of military service in America
Those who can serve, should. It's really as simple as that, however some saw fit to be deceitful and stretch the boundaries of reality as it relates to they're military service. Commendations are in order for those who honorably served they're country. It is a dishonor to those who served to deceitfully puff up your military service in order to make yourself appear more qualified than you really are. It matters not what you did as you served your country, but that you served your country admirably at all. There is little need to make yourself appear bigger and badder than the next man or woman who has served they're country. As important as it is, to have served this country as part of the armed services, it is just as important for those who cannot serve for whatever reason to respect the freedoms they enjoy because of the sacrifices of these brave men and women. After September 11, 2001, I myself attempted to join the Army and applied for the 101st Airborne Infantry. Like so many other Real Americans, I was mad as hell and was ready to serve my country. Sadly, due to a visual impairment I have had since birth, I was going to be of little use to the United States Armed Forces in any fashion and thus I was given a medical exemption. So, as a way to serve those who serve our country valiantly, I began participating in organizations that supported the military by sending care packages, and whatever support I could muster for our brave warriors overseas. Linda McMahon's company also does much for our troops as part of the USO program. The gratitude and appreciation shown by the men and women of the United States Armed Forces each and every year that World Wrestling Entertainment makes it's presence felt in the Middle East is the least WWE could do to repay the US Armed Forces for they're service, but in truth there is nothing can be done enough to truly thank those who serve. For over 200 years, military service has been the heart of a true patriot and those who can serve surely deserve our respect, admiration and support. You serve, you are a patriot, you support those who serve, you are still a patriot but to disgrace the honor of those who serve by being deceitful regarding your military service is unforgivable. Lesser men have been arrested, tried and convicted for being dishonest regarding they're military service, but for a man in the position Dick Blumenthal is in, I guess he's above the rule of law. He would fit perfectly in with the current Senators in Washington, his deception, partisan politics is right at home at Pennsylvania Avenue. Is that what the voters of Connecticut really want? Linda is different and she's ready to prove it. She's a political outsider, someone who has built change for the last 50 years or so and is now ready to bring change to Washington. She has the will, the inner strength and the knowledge to force change on a system that resists change at every turn.
CT Senate,
Linda McMahon,
Linda's humble beginnings as a public servant
On a fall day on Oct 4, 1948, a public servant was born. From the moment of her arrival Linda Marie McMahon was born to lead as a public servant. While Dick Blumenthal was serving "during" the Vietnam War, Linda McMahon graduated East Carolina University with a Bachelor's degree in French and a minor in Spanish. From a very young age, fiscal responsibility was entrained in her. Her mother Evelyn worked as a budget analyst with the Marine Corps and the seed of fiscal conservatism was sewn. From her post at the Board of Trustees at Sacred Heart University to the creation of over 500 jobs, her role as a public servant has never been more evident. As a very public figure Linda McMahon understands the importance of clear and concise communication and understands the consequences of "missteps" Always mindful of the public perception, Linda McMahon has mastered the art of communication over the years and has always spoken with intention, purpose and recognition that her words as a public figure carry great weight with a variety of individuals. While Mr. Blumenthal's military service is commendable, a military record doesn't guarantee that a person will be a great senator. With a proven track record of leadership, fiscal responsibility, dedication to state and country, and business sense make Linda McMahon the right woman to send to Washington. A lot of people can talk about reform, Linda has built a career on it. A lot of people talk about change, Linda McMahon has built a life on it. Unlike Dick Blumenthal, Linda doesn't dance around the issues, she has never had to apologize for unclear communication, she is focused, ready to hit the ground running from day one because in reality, what she will do in the Senate, she has already been doing for the last 30 years.
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