Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Experience issue

A lot of talk has been made as of late regarding the experience of both Linda McMahon and Dick Blumenthal. So let me break it down for you, Linda McMahon has been experienced in leading a commanding role in a successful company (whether or not you like the content of the company is irrelevant, the company is successful, provides jobs and makes stock holders money, nuff said) Dick Blumenthal on the other hand, has experience suing people, his comments on Vietnam just prove why you can't trust lawyers anyway. You want to talk experience, I happen to remember a freshman Senator from Illinois who has no experience and he became President. Connecticut needs a business leader now more than ever, not another silver spoon lawyer. Just because people honestly believe that Dick has worked very hard for this position is no reason for CT voters to blindly vote for a guy who has violated the constitutional rights of others in his pursuit of power, lied about his military service, misappropriated funds intended for victims of deceptive tobacco companies, misdirected on a national scale his team of lawyers at Craigslist, when he totally ignores the Advocate which does the same thing as Craigslist but on a local level. So before you start trying to hammer Linda McMahon for her alleged lack of experience, know the facts. She is an experienced business leader, knows how to work on a team to get things done, has bailed out her company without big government, and knows more about how to fix the economic situation in this State better than anybody. Dick Blumenthal would sue everybody, put them out of business and then you'd have to go to Massachusetts to even have a prayer of getting a job. Linda creates jobs, Dick destroys jobs. Experience? The choice should be obvious to even the dumbest of CT Voters.

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