Sunday, June 27, 2010

Linda McMahon and the WWE

The central attack by Linda McMahon's opponents seem to be that she was the CEO of a company that marketed steroids, an alleged abuse of women, violence, sex etc. The bottom line is, WWE is meek compared to the reality of other contact sports in which the contests are NOT scripted. Parents push they're children to perform at very high levels at a very young age, why isn't anybody criticizing the parents for giving they're children cortisone injections when they tear a ligament during a soccer game or dislocate a shoulder during a football game? If Linda McMahon were the CEO of a company that promoted boxing or mixed martial arts, would she be receiving the same criticism? I doubt it. I don't hear anybody complain about the millions Dana White has made with his human cockfights. The bottom line is the wrestling industry has evolved and yet the critics seem to be stuck in the past, WWE promotes more family friendly programming these days so the argument that the WWE is still about steroids, sex and violence isn't sticking anymore. The bottom line here is and always will be, it is the parent's responsibility to be informed as to what they're children are watching and be able to regulate they're viewing habits, this is what the V-Chip allows parents to do. You can't complain that your son or daughter watches violent television if your not doing anything about it. The violence portrayed during WWE programming is soft compared to HBO shows like the Sopranos or shows like Weeds or the L Word. Desperate Housewives, anything on MTV these days and the list goes on and on about the amount of things on television that are far worse than WWE programming. You cannot shelter your children forever and if I had a choice for my child to be watching WWE television or doing drugs, gang banging, drinking and staying out all night, I think the choice is pretty clear. This is an old argument that has no factual basis. An intelligent person knows the difference between reality and illusion and our children are more intelligent than ever, ultimately though it is up to the adult authority to decide what is best for they're child, the television and the internet are no substitute for good parenting or a good babysitter so don't blame the purveyors of these programs when your child is mentally warped with the inability to distinguish reality from illusion. As a human being, Linda McMahon is the best choice for the US Senate because she cares about families, cares about Connecticut and cares about it's residents. She honors the military in a way only WWE could, sincerely wants Connecticut to be a better place for all and cares about those who want to start a business in this State. This argument needs to come to an end and the candidates all need to focus on real issues, like the economy, national security, the national debt, this country's global relationship, education, taxes, constitutional rights and more. If you insist on continuing to argue about Professional Wrestling, then perhaps you should get off the playground, go back into your parent's basement and let the facts surface.

Andrew Dziedzic
271 Avery St.
South Windsor, CT

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